Ventura County
Amateur Radio Society
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Member List

Name Call e-mail
Jim Aguirre KM6GUE Send mail to KM6GUE
Avi Carmi K6AVI Send mail to K6AVI
Steve Curtis KE6SCS Send mail to KE6SCS
Marc Hanley KM6B Send mail to KM6B
Mike Hasenfratz WA6FXT Send mail to WA6FXT
Peter Heins N6ZE Send mail to N6ZE
Ken Larson KJ6RZ Send mail to KJ6RZ
Bob Paull KK6UE Send mail to KK6UE
Vern Potter W6NCT Send mail to W6NCT
Stu Sheldon AG6AG Send mail to AG6AG
Rick Slater AG6AY Send mail to AG6AY
Rick Tate KQ6NO Send mail to KQ6NO
Brian Thornton W4WBR Send mail to W4WBR
Timothy Woodward WA6WDY Send mail to WA6WDY

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